Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Where Boys Were Kings, a Shift Toward Baby Girls

A centuries-old South Korean preference for boys is fading.

Newly Elected South Korean Forecasts Chill With North

The South Korea president-elect, Lee Myung-bak, declared Thursday that he would not hesitate to criticize North Korea’s authoritarian government.

The Evolution of a Man Called ‘Bulldozer’

Lee Myung-bak, the man chosen as South Korea’s next president, owes much of his victory to a wildly successful project he completed as Seoul’s mayor.

Economy Key in South Korea Election

As South Koreans headed to the polls for their country’s presidential election on Wednesday, voters appeared ready to choose Lee Myung-bak, a pro-business candidate.

New Fraud Inquiry May Complicate South Korean Election

Parliament voted to open a fraud investigation into accusations of fraud against Lee Myung-bak, the leading presidential candidate.

Home Prices in South Korea Stalling at a High Point

Over the past year, the once feverish housing market in South Korea has come to a near halt, as buyers and sellers have become scarce.

Election in South Korea Is Missing Its Suspense

In a campaign that has otherwise failed to grab the electorate’s attention, there has really been only one issue: the economy.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Prayers for straight As in S.Korea

Nov. 15 - South Korean students sit for crucial exams as anxious parents turn to God for help.

Thousands of students sat for their college entrance exams all over South Korea on Thursday (November 15). The competition for university acceptance in South Korea is intense.

This year about 600,000 students will be taking the exams. But barely fifty-percent of the students will get a seat in the country's top universities.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Korean Bridge Must Span Years of Bias and Sadness

In September, a long-anticipated bridge will connect an islet - and a group of people with leprosy - to the Korean mainland for the first time.